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Getting started


Installing Lintje

To use Lintje, you must first install it. This can be done with a variety of package manager or by manually downloading and installing Lintje.

After installation, it should be a matter of running lintje in your Git repository.

$ lintje

Usage and examples

If you first want to get an idea of how Lintje works, check out the usage page. This usage page also explains all the different options that are available in Lintje. Not to be confused with configuration, as Lintje does not have a lot of configuration by design.

Lintje’s rules

The rules Lintje checks for can be found in the rules section of the documentation, split up per element of Git (subject, message, type and branches).


Want to know more why Lintje’s rules are the way they are? In the philosophy section the rules are explained in more detail, but in short: Lintje doesn’t want to get in your way and does not enforce a strict Git commit message template. Instead it will report the problems it may finds and provide some hints of things that are often forgotten.

Automated reviews

After trying out Lintje and deciding to continue using it, consider adding it to your Continuous Integration set up. By adding this automated check, you can be sure everyone on the team is following the same rules and writes good commits.

Need help or have questions?

If you need any help getting started with Lintje, please check out the support page for the best way to reach me.