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Rules for commit types

The rules listed on this page are about the nature of the Git commit. These commits can be things like merge commits, or fixup and squash commits.



Error rule
Version 0.9.0

If a repository uses changesets, it will give a hint to add a changeset file to the commit. If no changeset is needed for the commit, because it’s not a user facing change (like an internal refactor with no API changes), add the [skip changeset] tag to skip this rule and any CI checks.

If a repository does not use changesets, this rule is ignored. Lintje will automatically detect if a repository uses changesets by checking the presence of a .changeset or .changesets directory in the repository.


Error rule
Version 0.5.0

The commit is detected as having no file changes, it’s an empty commit. Avoid empty commits in the Git history. Empty commits can be left over after a rebase after all its changes have been applied already in another commit.

Add the intended files changes to the empty commit, or remove the commit from the Git history to fix this issue.


Error rule
Version 0.1.0

The commit is detected as a merge commit, which is a commit merging one branch into another. Prefer rebasing feature branches instead of merging base branches back into them. These commits don’t communicate anything meaningful other than when a person merged changes locally.

Currently only one scenario triggers this rule: when a remote branch is merged into a local branch.

# Merge commit merging a remote branch into a local branch
Merge branch 'develop' of into develop

When pulling local changes that would create a merge commit, rebase the local changes on the remote changes instead.

# Checkout the branch to pull updates for
git checkout feature-branch
# Rebase local changes on the remote's changes
git pull --rebase origin feature-branch

To avoid making these types of commits I recommend configuring a pull strategy in Git. Either use the pull.ff only or pull.rebase strategy.

# Block pulls that would create a merge commit
# With this config you'll need to pull rebase the remote changes
git config --global pull.ff only

# Automatically rebase local changes on remote changes when using git pull
git config --global pull.rebase true

This rule will also try to trigger on local merge commits in the future.

Notes about merge commits

Merge commits that merge local branches/tags into the repository’s branches do not fail under this rule, they are currently ignored, but may fail on this rule in the future.

Merge commits made when merging Pull and Merge requests will not fail on this rule, these commits are ignored entirely. These commits communicate when a Pull/Merge request was accepted and merged into the base branch. This includes commits made by GitHub’s “squash and merge” merge strategy.


Error rule
Version 0.1.0

The commit is detected as a fixup, squash or amend commit. These commits communicate the intent to squash them into other commits during the next rebase using Git’s autosquash feature.

These commits should not be send in for review in Pull Requests, and they should not be merged into main branches. Please rebase the branch before pushing or merging the branch.

git checkout feature-branch
git rebase --interactive --autosquash main