Lintje 0.4.0 released!
Branch name validation is now in Lintje! Check out all the improvements in version 0.4.
- Better handling of Git commands when they fail. Print an error message when a
Git command fails (like calling
git log
) and when Git is not installed. - Improve SubjectCliche rule to catch plurals of words (e.g. “fix tests”) and check for more subject prefixes like “add fix”, “update code”, “remove file”.
- Improve wording of the SubjectCapitalization violation message.
- Add branch name validation.
- Can be disabled with the
flag. - New BranchNameTicketNumber rule to scan branch names for ticket numbers,
formats. Ticket numbers are accepted as long as the name is more than a combination of a prefix and number. - New BranchNameLength rule checks for a minimum branch name length of four characters.
- New BranchNamePunctuation rule checks for a branch names starting or ending with punctuation.
- New BranchNameCliche rule checks for a branch names is a cliché. “fix-bug” or “add-test” branches are no longer accepted.
- Can be disabled with the
- Fix emoji false positives in SubjectPunctuation. It will no longer match on numbers and * and # as emoji at the start of a subject.
- Ignore commits made by GitHub bots. Project members can’t always ensure that all bots follow the rules set by Lintje.
- Add Debian installation method. More information in the installation docs.
- Print the singular “violation” label when Lintje only finds one violation.
- Print number of ignored commits, if any commits are ignored.
View the installation guide for installation methods and ways to upgrade.